Current Business: Some of the businesses and their services currently located in Oakland include: nursing home and assisted living,
insurance agents, farm services, gas transportation, meat processing, beauty shops, hardware store and lumber yard, flower shop, pharmacy,
doctor, dentist, restaurants, grocery store, discount store, two banks, trucking, well digging, auto dealership, and full-service gas and repair business.

Links to County and City Businesses
Ahhspirations Theraputic Massage
Arbor Bank
CHI Health Family Medicine Clinic
Fastrax Entertainment DJ/Karaoke/Weddings Randy West 712-779-0411 Email Here
Fellowship Church
First Interstate Bank
Healthy Homes Family Services - offices in Avoca, Red Oak and Grinnell
Hometown Insurance of Oakland
Hummel Insurance Services Search great local jobs and post your resume for FREE! Plus, get jobs emailed to you when you create an account.
Legacy Baptist Church
Myers Repair
NP Dodge
Oakland Christian Church
Oakland-Riverside Golf Course
Oakland Manor MGM Healthcare
Oakland Sharon Presbyterian Church 712-484-2208
Oakland United Methodist Church
Omnitel Communications
Pottawattamie County Assessors
Pottawattamie County Information
Pottawattamie County Sports and Family Chiropractic Nate Wiechmann 712-249-8231
Showalter Auction Services
St. Paul's Lutheran Church
STARS Scholarship Program The STARS Scholarship Program is funded by the Iowa West Foundation and managed by the Council Bluffs Community Education Foundation. The scholarship is available to Pottawattamie County residents who are parents (the custodial parent if single), eligible for a Pell Grant or receiving public assistance, have either a high school diploma or GED, and want to better provide for their families.
Valley View Apartments 402-880-1417
West Central Community Action Head Start 800-698-5886
Your business website could be here! Call City Hall at 712-482-6811 to have your local business website listed.